OU Environmental Concerns Committee Memo





Amy Buthod

OK Biological Survey


Debra Engel

University Libraries


Emily Malone

Student Member


Sophia Morren

McNair Scholars


Teri Jo Murphy



Gene Perry

Student Member


Mark Sharfman

College of Business


Christine Wolfe




Student Member





Greg Brezinski

Refuse & Recycling


Trenton Brown

Environmental Health & Safety


Deborah Dalton



Susan Lauterbach



Frank Reid

Physical Plant


Kelly Rowe

A&E Services


Sarah Soell

Public Affairs




TO:                  Micah Carlson, UOSA Chair

                        Dr. Roy Knapp, Faculty Senate Chair

                        Ms. Joan Monroe-Koos


FROM:           Teri Jo Murphy, ECC Chair


DATE:            Monday, March 6, 2006


SUBJECT:    ECC Charge


The purpose of this memorandum is to request a change in the official charge of the Environmental Concerns Committee.  The current charge of the committee allows for the following committee membership:


Members                    Appointed By                                    Term

3 Faculty                    2 by Faculty Senate             3 years

                                    1 by the President                3 years

3 Staff                         2 by Staff Senate                  2 years

                                    1 by the President                2 years

3 Students                 2 by UOSA                            1 year

                                    1 by the President                1 year

President’s Office Staff        Ex-officio, non-voting

Physical Plant Staff              Ex-officio, non-voting

A&E Services Staff               Ex-officio, non-voting

Public Affairs Staff                Ex-officio, non-voting

Environmental Health          Ex-officio, non-voting

Refuse & Recycling Staff    Ex-officio, non-voting

IPE Program Director          Ex-officio, non-voting


The Committee as a whole proposes that the phrase “non-voting” be removed from the listing of the Ex-Officio members, thus permitting them to vote and to serve as officers. We request this first of all because the expertise of these people regarding the environment and campus issues is critical to the ability of the committee to make informed, appropriate and useful recommendations. We believe that the committee will be much more effective with this change. In addition, this will alleviate the ongoing difficulty we have experienced in realizing a full slate of officers each year, as well as permit long-term continuity and ongoing institutional memory.  If you have questions concerning this request or need additional information, please contact us. We appreciate your time and attention to this matter and wish you a pleasant summer.